Saturday, October 22, 2016


Several of you lovely people have asked what my chemo treatment days are and are wondering about the timeline for the whole process of getting to cancer-free.

My treatments are once every three weeks for a total of 6 treatments.  As of right now the dates for treatment are:

November 10th
December 1st (1/2 way there!)
*December 22nd
January 12th
February 2nd (Happy Dance Day)

*There is a chance we will back up this appointment until after Christmas.  I need to get a better idea of when my best days will be.  If this gets pushed until the 26th, the last two dates will change as well.  TBD

After my chemo treatments end I will have one month of recovery before surgery.  I do not know yet if I will have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.  I will get more direction on this about half way through chemo and also depending on what my genetic markers are.  So let's say surgery will be somewhere around the second week of March.

After surgery I will begin radiation.  I am not sure when this will start as it depends on surgery recovery.  Radiation will be five days a week for 6 weeks.  

O.k. so here's the clincher .... with the type of breast cancer I have (HER2 Positive) I will need to continue with a regimen of chemo treatment called Herceptin.  The great news is that it's a targeted chemo for my type of breast cancer and is known to be really successful.  The not so great news is that I have to continue with this treatment until November of 2017.  And some good news - it's only a 30 minute treatment once every 3 weeks with low side effects.  


Today was a good day.  I took Tanner to his soccer game and enjoyed being outside.  I am feeling a little low energy this evening and some indigestion issues but other than that, good!

SHINY, HAPPY NOTES (literally)

My friend Kristi delivered us a delicious dinner last night and also brought this super sweet note that her eldest daughter Mackenzie made for me.  And the whole family signed it. I think I've read it no less than 189 times since last night.  And I know I smiled and felt loved and strong no less than 189 times as well.  Thank you sweet girl.


  1. Hi Jenny and Steve! Well, you have the right formula for success...a fighting spirit, smarts, love, and much happiness to return to once this is in the rear view mirror. You got this girl and John and I are thinking about you all and are praying for amazing results. Love, dayle and john.

  2. Hi Jenny and Steve! Well, you have the right formula for success...a fighting spirit, smarts, love, and much happiness to return to once this is in the rear view mirror. You got this girl and John and I are thinking about you all and are praying for amazing results. Love, dayle and john.

  3. MacKenzie s nite made me tear up! Beautiful! You are strong. YOU are brave. You are wonder wonan!
    Love and Peace, Debbie
